
Woah, two posts in two days! What is this!?!? 😉

Haha but this is something that I’ve been meaning to write for a while now. 🙂

Recently (well last year I think) I hit 50 followers! To be honest that doesn’t really sound like a lot but to me that’s bloody flipping amazing :’)

When I started this blog I didn’t think one person would read it let alone 50! So I would just like to say THANK YOU! To everyone that has been crazy enough to click a little button that says that you want to read more of what I write 🙂 I think now were at like 52 or something crazy like that and I really couldn’t have done this without all of your support.

Things have been rough but this blog has meant that I’ve had somewhere to go if I needed to get it out 🙂 so in response to this I would like to offer you all the chance to have someone to talk to.

I’ve recently gotten this new app called “Frankly chat” you may have heard of it but its great! Just another one of those free messaging apps really but if you, and I mean any of you have anything happening and you need someone to talk to I want you to know that I’m always here no matter what 🙂

I you want to add me on Frankly my pin is: iij342

If you would like to get the app then click here!

Once again thankyou for all of your support 🙂

Smile…it won’t hurt you!


*insert post title here*

Okay so this is the 4th or 5th time I’ve gone to write a new post… But this one I will finish and post!!!

What’s been happening you may be thinking (most likely not but shh!)

Well exams are quickly approaching and I really need to start revising strictly 😦

So I thought blogging about it would help me become more focused.

Side not that doesn’t fit in at all and I should have put this at the start but shhh I’m tired. I have been thinking about this blog every day (no lie!) but I just have no motivation to write despite picking up my phone/ iPod many times.

Okay so to become more motivated and strict I have had an idea of a rough ‘plan of action’

1. I will start revising for an hour daily after school no matter what!

2. I will start doing yoga/meditation before I sleep so that I am calm and keep my stress levels to a minimum in preparation for my exams.

3. I will start going to bed earlier so that I have enough sleep so I am not tired when I come to revise at the end of the day.

4. I will start forcing myself to blog weekly yes weekly because I started this blog for a reason and I’m not going to give up on it no matter what 🙂

Okay I’m going to go now but ill see you soon!

Smile…it won’t hurt you! 🙂